Fekede Gemechu '66

Fekede Gemechu was born and raised near schools built by Seventh-day Adventist missionaries in Ethopia. This access to Christian education from early childhood changed the course of his life. 高中毕业后不久, 他遇到了两位基督复临派的传教士医生, 卡尔·霍曼和罗伯特·瑞斯比, 谁给了他沃拉沃拉大学的奖学金. 他离开了埃塞俄比亚的家,向霍曼和瑞斯比承诺总有一天会回来.

His trip from Ethopia to Walla Walla in 1962 took five weeks and ended with a four-day trip across the United States on a Greyhound bus that dropped him off in Milton-Freewater. He was amused, but willing, when his fellow students promptly changed his name from Fekede to Fred.

Gemechu completed a bachelor’s degree in chemistry at WWU and graduated from medical school at Loma Linda University. He went on to finish a clinical internship at Kettering Medical Center and a surgical residency at the University of Maryland, 巴尔的摩. He worked as a surgeon with Southern California Permanente Medical Group for many years while a series of protracted civil wars raged in Ethiopia.

当他1992年回国时,他并没有为大范围的破坏做好准备, 贫困, 他遇到了饥饿. His wife, Azeb, encouraged him to choose just one community and to start doing what he could. 在当地人的帮助下, 他们在亚的斯亚贝巴以东几英里处建立了卡拉拉学习村. The village is a community resource center that provides education; infrastructure improvements such as electricity, 道路, and bridges; medical care; and work and learning opportunities at small-scale industries. 在朋友和同事的帮助下, Gemechu has also established the charitable organization 国际 Medical and Academic Alliance, 为卡拉拉学习村项目提供支持和指导.

今天, more than 1000 children attend kindergarten through grade eight at Kalala Learning Village, and a high school that is currently under construction is scheduled to open this September.


从沃拉沃拉大学毕业后, 劳雷尔·多维奇是一名专业土木工程师. 她还从事她所谓的“真正的使命”——教学工作, 在冈萨加大学, 爱达荷大学, 东华盛顿大学, 以及沃拉沃拉大学.

在密歇根大学学习期间, 一所排名前十的工程学院,她在那里获得了博士学位, Dovich was the first woman at the university to conduct experimental research for a doctorate in structural engineering. 在完成研究的一年内, 她的研究结果在南加州实施,以使建筑物更安全. Her study led to a three-month National Science Foundation appointment in Japan where she worked to discover the cause of building collapse during the 1995 Kobe earthquake. 

多维奇小的时候, 她的家人从加拿大搬到了西印度群岛, 这段经历塑造了她与上帝的关系, 让她的世界变得更小了, 也增加了她对冒险的热爱. 上帝在她的职业生涯中使用了多维奇的世界智慧冒险精神. She has participated in symposiums to improve concrete in third world countries and has spent a month in Haiti after the devastating earthquake in 2010 inspecting buildings and making recommendations. She filled a one-year volunteer teaching position at North Caribbean University and worked for a time in Alaska designing pipeline bridges and bush schools built on permafrost.

多维奇和她的丈夫, 迈克尔·法伦, 喜欢花时间在大自然中,他们喜欢骑自行车, 徒步旅行, 徒步旅行, 爬山, 还有奔流的河流. She has turned this love of the outdoors into a lifelong research mission of correlating God’s superior structural designs and materials in nature to concepts she presents in the classroom.

She is an active member of the American Concrete Institute and has served as a peer reviewer for technical publications and for National Science Foundation research awards. She has spoken for the Biblical Foundations of the Academic Disciplines Conference and the Christian Engineering Conference, 她还经常发表学术文章.

在她的职业生涯中, Dovich has mentored and ministered to countless students and colleagues in their walk with God. 她鼓励所有人保持高标准, 追随自己的激情,而不是金钱, 明智地利用时间,这样他们就能把尽可能多的东西塞进生活中, 在大自然中寻求复兴和与上帝的联系, 去爱上帝安排在他们生命中的人.


给詹姆斯·克里斯蒂安森, the most important aspect of the Christian walk is letting Christ live in you and dying to self. 腓立比书1章21节说:“活著就是基督,死就有益处.”

Christianson graduated from 沃拉沃拉大学 with a bachelor’s degree in health science and medical school on his mind. After completing a master’s degree in public health and studying epidemiology at Loma Linda University, 念医学院的计划被他对年轻人的热爱所取代, 接下来的五年他都在洛马琳达学院教书.

2004年,克里斯蒂安森开始了他的职业摄影师生涯. 在过去的12年里, 他建立了一家广受好评的婚纱摄影公司, and he now travels across the United States and beyond capturing the legacy of his clients that include notable venture capitalists, 对冲基金经理, 好莱坞制片人和名人,如拉尔夫·劳伦和布什家族.

最近, 他和他的商业伙伴, 亲爱的索伦森, 在支付服务行业开创了新的事业. 那家公司, 叫P3, 适用于多个行业, 但主要专注于医疗支付服务. 通过P3, Christianson supports Adventist education by donating 50 percent of company profits to the educational system that was so influential in his life. Christianson says that Godly mentors throughout his time spent in the Adventist educational system, 比如蒂姆·温德穆斯, 加里Hamburgh, 以及世界大学健康与体育学系的拉尔夫·佩兰, 对他的学术和精神经历有深远的影响吗.

他不工作的时候, Christianson; his wife, Charlene; and their three boys can be found biking, 徒步旅行, 野营, 钓鱼, 滑雪, 在科罗拉多州的家附近打高尔夫. 他说他未来的目标很简单:继续成为一名活跃的运动员, 他是社区和教会的有益成员, and to further the success and mission of Adventist education through his latest business venture.


除了他从神学院毕业的第一年, Charles Scriven has had an editorial role or other direct responsibility for a magazine or journal his entire adult life. 在沃拉沃拉大学读书时,他是校报的编辑, The Collegian; he was founding associate editor of Insight magazine; and he has served on the board of Adventist Forum, 《澳门威尼斯人直营网站》杂志出版商, 自2004年以来. Scriven is also a writer who has contributed more than 100 essays and features for religious and devotional magazines.

His influence within the Adventist church, however, extends well beyond the printed page. 1974年至1975年,他在世界大学教授新闻学,1981年至1986年教授神学. He was senior pastor at the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church from 1985 to 1992 and president of Washington Adventist University from 1992 to 2000. He retired in 2013 as president of Kettering College where he led a team that renovated college learning and office spaces, oversaw the transition of the college from a two-year to a master’s-degree-granting institution, 入学人数从500人增加到近1人,000.

Scriven has a bachelor’s degree in theology and biblical languages from 沃拉沃拉大学, 安德鲁斯大学的神学硕士学位, and a doctorate from 研究生 Theological Union with concentration in systematic theology and social ethics.

自从退休, 他继续为基督复临派刊物和其他刊物撰写学术文章, 如《澳门威尼斯人直营网站》和《威尼斯人彩票直营》.